Our Mission, Vision & Values
Our aim is to help more and more people to:
+ Recover from their injuries, illnesses, disabilities, disorders and diseases
+ Eliminate their pain and discomfort
+ Significantly improve their overall health, fitness and well-being…
…all so they can freely and confidently do all of the things they wish to in life.
To achieve this, we provide best practice Physiotherapy, Exercise and Healthcare Services (at fair and reasonable prices).

Rejuvenating and reinvigorating our attendees through the use of the most successful, safe and up-to-date clinical methods (the type that are objectively proven to deliver not only a host of physical, mental and emotional benefits but social and financial ones too...)
...we aspire to build a happy and healthy community, one where all members can "be at their best", living a life they love.

Our Clinic's Name = Our Clinic's Values
Our name not only reflects the fact we employ "Gold Standard" clinical methods but is an acronym for the healthcare values we wholeheartedly try to espouse:
​All of our organisation’s sub-goals (such as helping more people than we did the previous year) stem from a singular primary goal - better our attendees’ lives by improving their health, well-being and fitness.
To achieve this, we make your personal goals our very own.
So whether your ambition is to carry out your day’s work in a pain-free manner, to return to the playing pitch in time for a big match, or to set a new Personal Best...
...please know that we’ll be in this together from start to finish (the “Helper’s High” we receive ensuring we remain wholly committed throughout!).

Our name reflecting the fact we only utilise "Gold Standard" Methods (i.e. those widely accepted by the medical community as being the most successful, safe and up-to-date methods there are)...
...we stand on the shoulders of global academic giants to provide fellow locals with high-quality evidence-based care - the type that’s scientifically proven to improve your presenting condition as quickly (and therefore as cost-efficiently) as possible.
Constantly keeping abreast of emerging scientific trends and developments in order to provide optimal care; our carefully chosen, self-motivated team members don’t need to be persuaded to buy into our Practice’s “ABL” Philosophy - “Always Be Learning”.
Whether it’s by completing:
+ External Continuing Professional Development programmes:
These are typically undertaken with world-leading organisations, such as the NSCA, WCPT, BSLM, GLA:D and IFSPT.
+ Additional University Degree courses:
Masters in Sports Performance, Human Performance Science, and Physical Education are amongst those our team have already completed.
+ Weekly In-House Training Seminars or
+ Simply by listening to a science-based Audio-Book or Podcast,
all team members (who openly admit to being quite nerdy when it comes to this stuff!) love chasing those marginal gains that aggregate so powerfully over the course of time.

Operated by locals who fervently believe their fellow locals would enjoy healthier (and as a result, happier) lives if they could avail of “Gold Standard” Physiotherapy, Exercise and Healthcare Services where and when they needed them...
...our organisation is constantly evolving, as we strive to ever improve at the thing we’re most passionate about.
New own-brand services and products, new facilities, new personnel, new classes, new technology and new systems are just some of the elements we combine to help make the aforementioned a reality.
I guess no different to anyone else really, our practitioners all want their lives to have a sense of purpose and direction.
To know each morning they wake, they’re about to sink their teeth into something they personally find interesting and meaningful, energising and fulfilling.
To be able to reflect at the day’s end and satisfyingly know they’ve further improved at the thing they’ve purposely dedicated most of their time to since leaving school (which is neither today nor yesterday, in certain team members’ cases!).
When each of our team chose to study Physiotherapy in University, the inner satisfaction that health service
work brings was undoubtedly a key motivating factor - knowing deep down your time is being spent on something really positive and impactful is a privilege not all unfortunately get to enjoy.
Coming together to achieve more than they ever could on their own, all members perform a unique service role on our tight-knit team.
Working in unison to provide an innovative, progressive and expansive type of service, it is one our team are both proud and excited to deliver; one they fully commit to so that both Attendees and Healthcare Professionals will continue to unreservedly recommend it to those in need.

i) In order to deliver the best possible results for you, we work in tandem with other Healthcare Experts, leveraging their collective expertise to ensure your specific individual needs are fully cared for.
As a Department of Health-approved Clinic, we liaise not only with GPs, Consultant Physicians and fellow Allied Health Professionals when deemed appropriate but with Ireland's leading Healthcare Specialists (whom we enjoy very strong relationships with).
Indeed, we’re delighted to say our Partner Network comprises of the country's most trusted and respected healthcare groups, such including Santry Sports Clinic, Blackrock Health: The Galway Clinic and The Limerick Clinic, Bon Secours, UPMC, Alliance Medical and Affidea.
ii) Believing the key to a well-rounded team is combining the leadership, insight and know-how of highly experienced professionals with the energy, hunger and freshness of more youthful ones, we very much crafted ours with such in mind.
Containing individuals who fully understand the demands of high-performance cultures (our team includes All-Star winning Hurlers, former Irish International Soccer players, and former International Athletes)...
...Gold Standard Physio feel honoured to have been asked to collaborate with many great organisations.
In the Sporting World:
+ International Rugby Teams, including the victorious All Blacks' World Cup winning side,
+ Professional Rugby Teams, such as Munster and Otago,
+ Elite Level Underage Soccer Teams, including Ireland, Scotland and Celtic FC,
+ Intercounty Hurling Teams, including Tipperary, Clare and Offaly, and
+ League of Ireland Soccer Teams, such as Cork City FC and Limerick FC
are among the teams we’ve proudly provided Chartered Physiotherapy services to.
We feel equally privileged to have been offered the opportunity to team up with many outstanding organisations from other walks of life. These include (but are most certainly not limited to):
+ HSE / Healthy Ireland
+ Sky Sports
+ Proctor and Gamble
+ University College Dublin
+ Mary Immaculate College
+ Parkinson’s Association of Ireland
+ Limerick City and County Council
+ Tipperary County Council
+ Clubber TV
I) When you see a Gold Standard Physio, you can rest assured they are appropriately qualified Healthcare Professionals who've been trained to the highest academic and professional standards.
For example, all are Honours University Physiotherapy Degree Graduates who’ve undertaken thousands of hours of specialist, hospital-based diagnostic and treatment training.
Note: Between them, our team have successfully treated tens of thousands of patients to date.
ii) Indeed, as Chartered Physiotherapists, they’re considered the medical field's foremost experts when it comes to restoring, maintaining and improving peoples' ability to move and function in a healthy manner*.
*In more straightforward terms, if you’ve an injury (that doesn’t require hospitalisation), our profession are the go-to guys!
iii) Furthermore, as Chartered Physios, they form an essential part of the global “Health Promotion Community”, playing a specialist World Health Organisation-approved role in developing one’s health, fitness and wellness.
Did you know? When it comes to advising about / prescribing exercise, Physios are considered the leading authority.
iv) In addition, Physiotherapists are also fully trained / appropriately insured to help prevent and manage numerous diseases, disorders and disabilities (which you can learn more about here and here).

In our opinion, “being natural” begins with language. This means always communicating in a friendly, considerate and compassionate way that’s free of medical jargon.
Indeed, it is our wish that everyone who steps inside our door feel they’re entering a welcoming, comfortable environment...
...one where they’re immediately put at ease by warm, sincere, and down-to-earth people (who are not averse to having a bit of light-hearted fun at the appropriate juncture!).
In a world where overseas “practice acceleration” companies are constantly trying to persuade private practitioners to prioritise profit over patients (a lot of ‘P’ words there!)...
...we aspire to preserve more traditional healthcare values. This very much includes developing and maintaining genuine, sincere Physiotherapist - Patient relationships, ones that are built upon foundational elements such as trust, loyalty and reciprocation.
To acknowledge the investment you’re making in your health, our friendly Office Manager, Pam is available to help you claim entitled refunds from your Health Insurance Provider (depending upon your own policy's terms and conditions, you may be able to claim as much as 66% back).
In addition, we can also advise you how to claim Tax Relief from the Revenue Commissioners in relation to your treatment.
To our highly valued Attendees, we also provide a number of free-of-charge resources.
These include the likes of:
+ Free Personalised Rehab Programmes upon our exclusive Private Patients’ App:
Containing thousands of custom-shot videos, these programmes are clinically supervised by our Physiotherapy team, whom you can freely message for support and advice.
+ Free Rehab Gym Usage Slots for all of our Current Patients:
Such slots are available each week-day in our new Nenagh Clinic, which is widely considered to be one of the country's top Physiotherapy facilities.
The likes of:
+ Complementary Refreshments are also available pre / post-session, as is
+ Free Educational / Informational Material (such includes custom-produced Explainer Videos, E-Books, and “Tip of the Day” advice) whilst
+ Awards, Rewards and Prizes are also presented to Class Participants of ours.
And fully appreciating the importance of your time, we promise to never leave you waiting for an unreasonable period of time (if such ever amounts to over 15 minutes, you’re entitled to have your session fee waived with us, no questions asked).

Hugely grateful to the local community who’ve so loyally supported us for over a decade now, the very least we feel we can do is try to give something back.
+ Assisting Local Organisations we greatly admire (such as The North Tipp Hospice, Milford Hospice and The Dillon Quirke Foundation) in whatever small way we can has not only been a huge honour but extremely humbling.
+ While sponsoring all the different local Sports Clubs / Organisations (who are in so many ways the heartbeat of the region) has in truth being nothing other than a small thank you for the tremendous backing they’ve individually and collectively shown us to date.
+ As we grow, Pro Bono work is something we’re delighted to be able to allocate more time to; volunteering our services to under-resourced organisations being one aspect we derive much personal satisfaction from.
+ While helping to raise funds for National and International Charities (such as Multiple Sclerosis Ireland, The Tony Robbins Foundation and UNICEF) really just serves us with a reminder that the key to happy living lies in giving.
All really small things, no doubt, but hopefully ones that have a positive effect all the same. Can we do more? We most certainly can, as we strive to do so in the days, months and years that lie ahead.
Firmly believing we all have the right to be treated equally (regardless of our age, gender, health, fitness, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation, background, life choices, educational or professional status, or anything else)...
...our heartfelt promise is to treat everyone we see with the utmost respect and compassion, kindness and warmth - providing the exact same level of care we would to our friends and family.
Indeed, to ensure all of the Irish Mid-West Public and beyond can access the type of Gold Standard Physiotherapy Treatment they require, our family-ran practice continues to invest in the development and extension of our novel “Physio for All” service.
Incorporating all aspects of modern-day Physiotherapy, this service type (which is underpinned by proven Patient Recovery Pathways) encompasses every body part there is.
So whatever your pain, whatever your injury or condition, we possess the wherewithal to devise a highly effective Physiotherapy Treatment Plan that's just right for you, one that we pledge to deliver in an empathetic, conscientious and supportive fashion.

Looking for very specific characteristics in those we recruit; our in-synch team are fully committed to
i) Our Patients:
To everyone we encounter, we aim to provide the type of personalised, science-backed healthcare service we ourselves would wish to receive, should we be in need.
Focusing on safety, effectiveness and patient experience every time, this includes (but is not limited to):
+ Seeking to understand our patients’ individual needs, wants and goals so we can ensure they are always prioritised
+ Always showing empathy, courtesy, kindness and compassion
+ Recommending the course of action which we believe is in our patients’ best interests (whilst always fully including them in the decision-making process)
+ Ensuring our patients are fully devoted the time, attention and care they require
+ Ensuring our patients’ privacy is fully respected
+ Empowering our patients via the provision of information and tools, which will help them to self-manage their presenting condition
ii) Our Profession:
Having taken the modern Hippocratic Oath, our practitioners (who are members of Chartered Professional Bodies and Societies) commit to upholding the highest clinical and ethical standards.
Indeed, we believe everyone in Healthcare really has two separate jobs when they come to work:
a) To perform their individual role and responsibilities to the very best of their professional ability, and
b) To improve the sector they operate in:
Each Gold Standard team member is continually encouraged to be the difference they personally want to see in the worlds of Physiotherapy, Exercise and Healthcare.
iii) Ourselves:
Furthermore, each team member dedicates much time and energy to:
+ Being better than they were the day before:
To help make such a reality, each member is set a daily goal of making three small, positive adjustments to their workday processes.
+ Undertaking the challenge of creating and delivering new and improved health services and products.
+ Being an exemplary colleague, supporting each other in every possible way.
Gold Standard Physiotherapy - Nenagh Clinic: Lisbunny, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary. E45 C578
Gold Standard Physiotherapy - Kiladangan Clinic: Kiladangan GAA Club, Puckane, Nenagh, Co. Tipperary, E45 DN47
Gold Standard Physiotherapy - Newport Clinic: Arrabawn Retail Centre, Jail Street, Newport, Co. Tipperary, V94 T327
Tel: 085 - 783 66 33
© Gold Standard Physiotherapy Ireland